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Jan 17 06 10: 16p John DeRngelis 321 724 8972 p.G 


Reconsideration of this appKcation under the provisions of Section 116 is 
respectfuBy requested. By this proposed amendment, it is proposed to amend certain claims 
as set forth above to overcome the Examiner's rejections and more concisely claim and 
describe the present invention. Claims 1-15 remain in the application for reconsideration by 
the Examiner. The Examiner's allowance of all pending claims is earnestly solicited. 

Claims 1-15 stand rejected under Section 103(a) as unpatentable over Bonomi 
(6^19,352) in view of Knuth, **The Art of Computing 2^ Edition." 

To further distinguish the invention over the art of record, the Applicants have 
revised the first paragraph of independent claim 1 to, "forming a physical address queue 
comprising a circularly linked list further comprising a plurality of destination node entries 
each node entry having an associated address for recei\'ing multicast data.'' Support for this 
change can be fotmd in the application in die paragraph beginning at line 1 of page 7. 

Bonotni discloses a technique for saving memory space (for example, sec column 6, 
lines 1-5) by maintaining "only one copy of each multicast cell,'' instead of copying a 
multicast cell several times for each output branch, A Bonomi cell comprises multicast data. 
His linked Hst indicates whedier a particular data ceU is to be transmitted to a particular 
output branch. That is, each cell is stored in only one physical queue and die cells arc 
retrieved for transmission to an output branch as determined by a logical output branch 

The logical output branch queue comprises the head pointers HPl and HP 2 (each 
representing an output branch ot cell destination) in Figure 5. Reference characters 510 and 
520 each identify a physical queue, wherein contents of queue locations 510A-510L link or 
point to another location witiiin the queue 510, and contents of the corresponding location 
520A-520L indicate a memory location where a multicast data cell is stored. The head 
pointer HPl, representing an output branch or cell destination, traverses the memory 
locations 510A-510L according to the linking information stored at each location 510A- 
510I-. As can be seen in Figure 5, the location 510A links to location 510C, which links to 
510D, etc. 

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Jan 17 06 10: IGp John DeRngelis 

321 724 8972 

When the head pointer reaches a location 510A-510L in the linking queue 510, the 
corresponding storage location 520A-520L identifies the memory location of the data cell 
for sending to location address HPl. Contents of the corresponding Location in a mask 
530A-530L indicate whether the stored cell is to be transmitted to HPl, that is, if it has not 
been pre%dously sent to ou^ut branch HPl. 

For example, when the output branch pointer HPl points to queue location 510A, 
the data cell stored at a location indicated by the contents of 520A is sent to the output 
branch indicated by HPl if contents of the mask location 530A indicate that the data cell is 
yet to be sent to output branch HPl. Thus the contents of the locations 530A-530L serve a 
control function to indicate those cells that are to be sent to a specific output branch. Sec 
Bonomi's discussion of the elements of Figure 5 set fordi beginning in column 12, line 64. 

Note that at column 13, line 26 Bonomi refers to the logical queue defined by the 
head pointers HPl and HP2. Bonomi fiarther discloses a "separate [logical] queue for each 
branch [output FIPl or PIP2] of the multicast connection so that each branch can be served 
according to the specific service parameters it is set up with." See column 3, lines 53-56. 

Knuth adds the concept of a circularly linked list to Bonomi, if the combination is in 
accordance with the rules for reference combinations. 

In contrast to Bonomi's logical queue, the Applicants claim "a physical address 
queue comprising a drcularly linked list fiirther comprising a plurality of destination node 
entries each node entry having an associated address for receiving mxilticast data." Bonomi 
does not disclose a physical address. Instead, his receiving addresses for the multicast data 
are determined by the indexing head pointers, which represent a logical queue. 

Note further that Bonomi's physical queue 510 is merely a list of linking information 
for indicating the next entry for the head pointer. His physical queue 520 stores memory 
locations for the data cells to be transmitted, and his physical queue 530 operates as a mask 
or control function for indicating whether a data ceE is to be sent to the location indicated 
by the indexing head pointer. Since die AppHcants now claim "a physical address queue 
comprising a circularly linked list fiirther comprising a plurality of destination node entries 
each node entry having an associated address for receiving multicast data** and such 
structural elements are absent from Bonomi, amended claim 1 is believed to be allowable 
over Bonomi. 


PAGE 7n * RCVD AT 1/17/2006 10:15:09 PM [Eastem Standard Time] - SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-ei/28 " DNIS:2738300 * CSID:321 724 8972 " DURATION (mm-68):02-64 

*' Jan 17 OB 10: 16p John Deflngelis 

321 724 8372 

Each one of the dq)cndent claims 2-13 further distinguishes the invention as each 
defines a novel combination of additional features. It is therefore respectfully submitted that 
dependent claims 2-13 depending ficom amended claim 1 are allowable over the cited art. 

As can be seen firom the marked-up version above, rejected independent daim 14 
has been amended in a manner similar to the amendment to claim 1 to further distinguish it 
&om the art of record TTius the remarks above supporting the Applicant's contention that 
claim 1 is patentably distinct jfcom die combination of Bonomi and Knuth abo apply to the 
Applicant's contention that claim 14 is patentably distinct &om the dted art. 

Independent claim 15 has been revised as set forth above and is believed to be 
allowable over the cited art for the same reasons that amended claims 1 and 14 are believed 
to be allowable over the cited art. 

Since it is believed that the foregoing amendments overcome the rejection of claims 
1-15 under Section 103, the entry of this amendment under Section 103 is deemed 

If a telephone conference will assist in danfying or expediting this Proposed 
Amendment under Section 116, the Examiner is invited to contact tie undersigned directly 
at the telephone number below. The undersigned proposes to tdephone Examiner 
Neurauter to discuss the merits of the proposed amendments prior to issuance of the 
Examiner's response. 


V R^pectfyiiJv subbiijiced, \\ 

^^^^ Y\ { 

John L. DeAngelis, Jr., Esc 
Re^. No. 30,622 

Beusse Brownlee Wolter Moki\& ftfaire, P.A. 
390 N. Orange Ave., Suite : 
Orlando, FL 32801 
(407) 926-7710 


PAGE Sm ' RCVD AT 1/17/2006 10:15:09 PM [Eastern Standard Time] • SVR:USPTaEPXRF«28 • DNIS:273S300 • CSID:321 724 8972 • DURATION (mnv«s):02.64